Michael White

Michael White

DXO Communications is, without question, one of the finest service organizations we have ever partnered with. Mr. Dan Bailey goes above and beyond the call of duty offering proactive cost and time saving solutions to keep pace with the constantly changing guidelines of today's mail delivery system. We have been able to speed up our delivery process by eliminating some in house employee participation while saving money on reduced postage rates. As the world technology continues to change we are sure that DXO will be keeping us abreast of what’s' next. We like to call it "Delivery Xtra Ordinary Michael White Tesaurer / The City of Lockport
Direct Mail Marketing
DXO Communications is, without question, one of the finest service organizations we have ever partnered with. Mr. Dan Bailey goes above and beyond the call of duty offering proactive cost and time saving solutions to keep pace with the constantly changing guidelines of today's mail delivery system. We have been able to speed up our delivery process by eliminating some in house employee participation while saving money on reduced postage rates. As the world technology continues to change we are sure that DXO will be keeping us abreast of what’s' next. We like to call it "Delivery Xtra Ordinary Michael White Tesaurer / The City of Lockport